Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)

What is the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)?

  • An online self-assessment toolkit comprised of 42 compliance questions.
  • The toolkit covers data and cyber security including how information is collected, stored, shared and disposed of. It covers staff training and roles, policies and procedures, data security and IT systems and devices.
  • It is appropriate for businesses that are still paper based or have moved onto Digital Social Care Records and for services of any size.
  • It’s an excellent way of demonstrating your compliance with data protection legislation (GDPR, DPA and can be used to evidence some of the KLOEs for your CQC inspection).
  • The toolkit needs to be published at least once a year and the questions update every year in line with and changes in legislation so you can always be assured that you are meeting the minimum legal requirements.
  • Gives providers the opportunity to review the policies they have in place.

Why should I complete it?

  • It provides reassurance that you can be trusted to manage peoplet’s data.
  • Completing the toolkit gives you access to: NHS Mail, Electronic MAR charts (eMAR), Proxy ordering of medications and funding towards Digital Social Care record software.
  • If you were to experience a data breach the toolkit can be used to demonstrate and evidence that you took reasonable steps to protect yourselves and the data that is held

If you receive funding for your service users from the NHS or the local council, it is a contractual obligation to publish your toolkit on an annual basis to the level called ‘Standards Met’. Even if you do not receive funding towards your clients’ care, it is highly recommended by the CQC as the best way to ensure that you are adhering to all legislation governing data security.

To support providers with completing the toolkit Better Security, Better Care run free online workshops via Microsoft Teams. The trainer will give an overview of the toolkit, go through each question individually, explaining what it is asking for, providing example answers and, we also provide you with useful resources to take away with you so you are able to start tackling the questions. Better Security, Better Care also offer a free, follow-up service which allows you to be supported by a personal mentor who can help you with any question that you are finding difficult.

The DSPT training workshops are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays to support with completing the toolkit;

You will need to attend a part 1 and a part 2 session. These can be booked on the same day or on two different days but you must attend part 1 before attending part 2.

We highly recommend you attend these free workshops as they will be of benefit to you. Providers who attend our workshops are more likely to publish and feel more equipped/confident to complete it.

  • Approaching Standards (Part 1) - 10am to 12pm
  • Standards Met (Part 2) - 2pm to 3pm
  • Approaching Standards (Part 1) - 10am to 12pm
  • Standards Met (Part 2) - 2pm to 3pm